React、Meteor 用户的福音,使用 Meteor 构建先进的 Web 项目
Meteor Reactivity for your React application :).
What is it for ?
The purpose of this library is :
- to set up and maintain a ddp connection with a ddp server, freeing the developer from having to do it on their own.
- be fully compatible with react and help react developers.
- to match with Meteor documentation used with React.
npm i --save react-web-meteor
Example usage
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import Meteor, { createContainer } from 'react-web-meteor';
Meteor.connect('ws://192.168.X.X:3000/websocket');//do this only once
class Todo extends Component {
renderRow(todo) {
return (
render() {
const { settings, todosReady, todos } = this.props;
{!todosReady && <span>Not ready</span>}
export default createContainer(params=>{
const handle = Meteor.subscribe('todos');
return {
todosReady: handle.ready(),
settings: Meteor.collection('settings').findOne()
}, Todo)
Connect your components
Since Meteor 1.3, createContainer is the recommended way to populate your React Components.
Very similar to getMeteorData but your separate container components from presentational components.
import Meteor, { createContainer } from 'react-web-meteor';
class Orders extends Component {
render() {
const { pendingOrders } = this.props;
export default createContainer(params=>{
return {
pendingOrders: Meteor.collection('orders').find({status: "pending"}),
}, Orders)
Reactive variables
These variables can be used inside getMeteorData or createContainer. They will be populated into your component if they change.
- Meteor.subscribe()
Meteor.collection(collectionName, options)
- .find(selector, options)
- .findOne(selector, options)
- Meteor.user()
- Meteor.userId()
- Meteor.status()
- Meteor.loggingIn()
- ReactiveDict()
Additionals collection methods
These methods (except update) work offline. That means that elements are correctly updated offline, and when you reconnect to ddp, Meteor calls are taken care of.
Meteor.collection(collectionName, options)
- .insert(doc, callback)
- .update(id, modifier, [options], [callback])
- .remove(id, callback(err, countRemoved))
Meteor Collections
Meteor.subscribe() returns an handle. If the component which called subscribe is unmounted, the subscription is automatically canceled.
Meteor.collection(collectionName, options)
You need pass the cursoredFind
option when you get your collection if you want to use cursor-like method:
Meteor.collection("collectionName", { cursoredFind: true })
Or you can simply use find()
to get an array of documents. The option default to false for backward compatibility. Cursor methods are available to share code more easily between a react app and a standard Meteor app.
Meteor DDP connection
Meteor.connect(endpoint, options)
Connect to a DDP server. You only have to do this once in your app.
string required -
object Available options are :- autoConnect boolean [true] whether to establish the connection to the server upon instantiation. When false, one can manually establish the connection with the Meteor.ddp.connect method.
- autoReconnect boolean [true] whether to try to reconnect to the server when the socket connection closes, unless the closing was initiated by a call to the disconnect method.
- reconnectInterval number [10000] the interval in ms between reconnection attempts.
Disconnect from the DDP server.
Meteor methods
- Meteor.loginWithPassword (Please note that user is auto-resigned in - like in Meteor Web applications.)
- Meteor.logout
- Meteor.logoutOtherClients
Availables packages
Convenience packages
Example `import { composeWithTracker } from 'react-web-meteor';``
- Tracker
- composeWithTracker: If you want to use react-komposer, you can use react-web-meteor compatible composeWithTracker
- Accounts (see below)
See documentation.
`import { Accounts } from 'react-web-meteor';``
- Accounts.createUser
- Accounts.changePassword
- Accounts.forgotPassword
- Accounts.resetPassword
- Accounts.onLogin
- Accounts.onLoginFailure
Once connected to the ddp server, you can access every method available in ddp.js.
- Meteor.ddp.on('connected')
- Meteor.ddp.on('added')
- Meteor.ddp.on('changed')
- ...
- Zeven (@ZevenFang)
Want to help ?
Pull Requests and issues reported are welcome! :)
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