Windows TCPIP 连接数限制
NETSTAT -A command displays too many TCP/IP connections
Running the NETSTAT -A command from the command prompt shows a large number of TCP/IP connections established by the ipMonitor software If ipMonitor is unable to open new connections, monitor failures can occur
Running the NETSTAT -A command from the command prompt shows a large number of TCP/IP connections established by the ipMonitor software This increased network traffic can affect ipMonitor's ability to create new connections, especially since many existing TCP/IP connections remain in a reserved TIME_WAIT state Ultimately, if ipMonitor is unable to open new connections, monitor failures can occur
ipMonitor 108;ipMonitor 10x
The majority of TCP/IP connections displayed are ephemeral ports that have already been closed, but that remain reserved before they can be reused This reserved state is denoted by the netstat TIME_WAIT label
Microsoft limits the number of connections to 3975 by default, meaning that there can only be 3975 TCP/IP connections open at any given time In addition, the TIME_WAIT state is configured by default to be 240 seconds This means that Windows can only support an average of 33 TCP/IP connections per second ipMonitor must then wait 240 seconds before being able to reuse those connections If you have a large number of configured Monitors set to retest resources at short intervals, 3975 connections every four minutes may not be enough
Warning: Windows registry changes can result in severe system damage if performed incorrectly Before you modify the registry, make a backup copy and ensure you understand how to restore the registry if a problem occurs
Attempt the troubleshooting steps in the following order:
Increase the refresh time between monitor tests
If possible, SolarWinds recommends configuring your monitors to use the default value of 300 seconds between monitor tests This optimal setting ensures there are enough TCP connections available when needed
Increase the maximum simultaneous connections
Start the Registry Editor(Regedt32exe)
Access the following registry key:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters
Add a DWORD value to this registry key:
Name: MaxUserPort
Value: 65534 (decimal)
Exit the Registry Editor
Note: This section can also be used as reference during large Server & Application Monitor (SAM) installations
Reduce the duration of the Reserved State
Reducing the value of the TIME_WAIT state results in TCP connections being reused faster, therefore allowing for an increased number of connections during the same length of time Note that if the value is too low, the TCP connection may close before monitor testing is complete
Start the Registry Editor (Regedt32exe)
Access the following registry key:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters
Add a DWORD value to this registry key:
Name: TcpTimedWaitDelay
Type: REG_DWORD - Time in seconds
Value: 120 (decimal)
Exit the Registry Editor
Disclaimer: Please note, any content posted herein is provided as a suggestion or recommendation to you for your internal use This is not part of the SolarWinds software or documentation that you purchased from SolarWinds, and the information set forth herein may come from third parties Your organization should internally review and assess to what extent, if any, such custom scripts or recommendations will be incorporated into your environment You elect to use third party content at your own risk, and you will be solely responsible for the incorporation of the same, if any
这是因为传输控制协议/Internet协议(TCP/IP)堆栈是Microsoft XP/ 2003的核心组件,不能删除。在这种情况下,如果需要重新安装TCP/IP以使TCP/IP堆栈恢复为原始状态。可以使用NetShell实用程序重 置TCP/IP堆栈,使其恢复到初次安装操作系统时的状态。方法是:在命令提示符后键入以下命令,然后按ENTER键:netsh int ip reset c:\resetlogtxt,其中,Resetlogtxt记录命令结果的日志文件,一定要指 定,这里指定了Resetlogtxt日志文件及完整路径。运行此命令的结果与删除并重新安装TCP/IP协议的效果相同。
如果是1M ADSL,下载设为125KB/s,上传设为15KB/s
如果是2M ADSL,下载设为250KB/s,上传设为25KB/s
因此当服务器的IP地址和监听端口都确定的时候,并发连接数的天花板是2^(32 + 16)。
2、获取服务器实时的httpd服务并发请求数,可以与配置文件/etc/httpd/conf/httpdconf中的MaxRequestWorkers 数量进行对比,看是否需要对最大服务并发数进行更改。
iptables -I INPUT-p tcp -m connlimit --connlimit-above 50 -j REJECT