

 腐蚀 RUST游戏指令和服务器指令一览,在服务器中,管理员也可以利用指令来管理游戏中不正当行为。下面就给大家带来腐蚀RUST基本指令及服务器指令大全,以供玩家们参考。



 /msgmessage a specified player(私信一个玩家)

 /mePuts your text into a purple color(你的 文字 将以紫色发出)


 grasson true/false Enables or disables grass; Improves FPS for some(打开/关闭草地,可提高FPS)

 grassdisplacement true/false Enables or disables grass displacements(打开关闭草地 移动 )

 terrainidleinterval 0-100 Sets how often to draw unseen terrain; setting to 0 will disable(远景更新平率,0为不允许)

 guishow Turns the UI on(显示用户界面)

 guihide Turns the UI off(关闭用户界面)

 guishow_branding Turns the branding UI in top-right corner on(显示右上角的标识)

 guihide_branding Turns the branding UI in top-right corner off(隐藏右上角的标识)

 netconnect "Server IP" Connect to a direct server IP(连接服务器IP,Server IP出填写服务器的IP)

 netdisconnect Disconnects from a server(断开服务器连接)

 netreconnect Reconnect to the last server you were on(重新连接上一个服务器)

 censornudity false Disabled censorship(关闭裸体)

 suicide Kills your character allowing for a respawn(自杀)

 quit Quits the game(退出游戏)


 rconlogin "password" Use your 'Password' to login into Rcon via ingame console (F1)。(使用控制台登录服务器)

 status See how many players are online on server(查看在线玩家数量)

 noticepopupall "message" Pops up a message for all players(发送服务器公告,在每个玩家屏幕上弹出)

 find Lists available console commands(列出控制台指令)

 kick "player" Kicks player from the server(踢出某个玩家)

 ban "player" or "steamid" Bans player Doesn't kick him though(封掉一个玩家)

 banid "steamid" "reason" Bans a steamid from the server(封掉一个玩家的steamID,reason处可写理由,挂狗和无(B)素(I)质(U)狗去死吧)

 unbanall Unbans all players(解封所有玩家)

 truthenforce true/false Server kicks people automatically when they are doing "weird" things(服务器自动踢出做奇怪事情的人,如卡BUG)

 saveall Saves world map and player inventory(服务器保存当前地图和玩家信息)。

 say [message] Sends a message to the person/s in-game globally(以服务器身份说话)

 invgiveplayer "player" "item" "amount" Gives 'Player' the 'Item' Full name and Item name required List of Items(给玩家东西,“玩家”“物品”“数量”)

 invgiveall "item" "amount" Gives all players 'Item' Full Item name required List of Items(给所有人东西,“玩家”“物品”“数量”,比如节日的时候,可以作为惊喜,没人给一把枪什么的)

 dmggodmode true/false Gives all logged in admins godmode(开启/关闭所有人 创造 模式)

 craftingcancel Cancels every single crafting job in progress for everyone(取消制作任何东西)

 craftinginstant true/false Sets crafting to be instant for everyone(开启/关闭瞬间制作)

 craftinginstant_admins true/false Sets crafting to be instant for logged in admins only(开启/关闭管理员瞬间制作)

 craftingtimescale "amount" Sets the timescale of crafting to 'amount' (1 = default, 05 = half time)。(设置制作物品时间的速度,1为默认,05为一半时间)

 airdropdrop Starts an airdrop(进行一次物品空降)

 airdropmin_players "amount" Starts airdrops only when minimum X players are online(开始物品空降,当在线人数至少“X”人的时候)

 vehiclespawn Spawns a car at your current position( 放置 一辆车,在你当前位置,管理装B专用)

 serverhostname Sets a hostname(设置服务器名称)

 serverclienttimeout "time"Sets the time until someone times out Good to fight item glitchers (Default 2 minutes)(设置超时时长,默认为2分钟)

 serverpvp true/false Sets PVP on or off(开启PVP)

 servermaxplayers "amount" Sets maximum amount of server slots(设置最大玩家数量)

 sleeperson true/false Sets sleepers on or off(是否允许睡眠模式)

 envtime "amount" Sets the time of day to a specified value(设置天的时间)

 falldamageenabled true/false Turns fall damage on or off(开启/关闭掉落伤害)




 /share playername shares your doors with a player(共享你的门给一个玩家)

 /unshare playername unshares your doors with a player(解除对一个玩家的门共享)

 /help Shows commands(显示所有指令)

 /pm "playername" "message" private messages a player(私聊一个玩家,名字必须写全)

 /r message here quick reply to last PM(快速回复上一个私聊你的玩家)

 /history Shows chat history, last 6 messages by default(显示前6个聊天内容)

 /players Shows online players(显示当前在线玩家)

 /location Shows the coordinates of the player(显示玩家的当前坐标)

 /ping shows latency between client and server(显示服务器的延迟)

 /starter gives a configurable starter kit(给予初始装备)

 /friends shows your friends list(显示朋友列表)

 /addfriend playername adds a player to your friends list(添加一个玩家为好友)

 /unfriend playername removes a friend(移除一个好友)

 /about shows server mod version(显示服务器版本)


 /announce message here ADMIN ONLY - announces a message to the server(发送服务器公告)

 /loadout ADMIN ONLY - spawns you an admin loadout set in the config file(生成一个管理操作记录在设置文件夹下)

  RustEssentials MOD


 /access {on} (Gives the sender access to all doors,给予你打开所有门的权限)

 /access {off} (Revokes access to all doors from the sender,移除你打开所有门的权限)

 /airdrop (Spawns an airdrop with a random drop location,设置一次随地地点的空降)

 /airdrop(Spawns an airdrop with a drop location at the specified player,设置一次空降给某个玩家)

 /ban(Bans player with reason: "Banned by a(n)",封掉一个玩家)

 /ban[reason] (Bans player with reason,封掉一个玩家和愿意)

 /chan {g} (Joins the global chat,加入全球聊天屏道)

 /chan {global} (Joins the global chat,同上)

 /chan {d} (Joins the direct chat,加入一个特定聊天屏道)

 /chan {direct} (Joins the direct chat,同上)

 /give(Gives the item to that player,给一个玩家指定物品)

 /give[amount] (Gives the amount of the item to that player,给一个玩家指定物品和数量)

 /give[item id] (Gives 1 of the item with the corresponding id to that player,给一个玩家指定的物品,这里用的是物品ID)

 /give[item id] [amount] (Gives the amount of the item with the corresponding id to that player,给一个玩家指定的物品和数量,这里用的是物品ID)

 /god(Gives the specified player god mode,给指定玩家上帝模式)

 /heal player name (Heals the designated player,恢复指定玩家的血)

 /help (Returns available commands for your current rank,显示指令)

 /help [command without /] (Returns the documentation and syntax for the specified command,显示已经排除外的指令,without/后面填上你不想显示的指令)

 /history {1-50} (Returns the the last # lines of the chat history,查看聊天记录,1-50里面填你想查看前面多少条记录)

 /i(Gives the item to you,给自己指定物品)

 /i[amount] (Gives the amount of the item to you,给自己指定物品和数量)

 /i [item id] (Gives 1 of the item with the corresponding id to you,给自己指定物品,这里用的是物品ID)

 /i [item id] [amount] (Gives the amount of the item with the corresponding id to you,给自己指定物品和数量,这里用的是物品ID)

 /join (Emulates the joining of yourself, 模拟 自己加入游戏)

 /join(Emulates the joining of a fake player,加入一个机器人到游戏中)

 /kick(Kick player with reason: "Kicked by a(n)",踢出一个玩家)

 /kick[reason] (Kick player with reason,踢出一个玩家和愿意)

 /kickall (Kicks all users, except for the command executor, out of the server踢出所有玩家,除了输入这条指令者)

 /kill(Kills the specified player,杀死一个指定玩家)

 /kit [kit name] (Gives the user the specified kit if the user has the correct authority level,给一个用户指定套装,当这个玩家有指定的权限的时候)

 /kits (Lists the kits available to you,列出自己所有能用的套装)

 /leave (Emulates the leaving of yourself,模拟自己离开游戏)

 /leave(Emulates the leaving of a fake player,模拟一个机器人离开游戏)

 /mute(Mutes the player on global chat,禁言一个玩家)

 /online (Returns the amount of players currently connected,显示所有服务器在线玩家)

 /pmmessage (Sends a private message to that player,私聊某个玩家)

 /pos (Returns the player's position,显示玩家所在的坐标)

 /reload {config/whitelist/ranks/commands/kits/motd/bans/all} (Reloads the specified file,重新加载指定的文件)

 /save (Saves all world data,保存世界数据)

 /say message (Says a message through the plugin,以服务器身份说话,在公屏上)

 /saypop message (Says a (!) dropdown message to all clients,弹出一段话,在玩家屏幕上)

 /saypop [icon] message (Says a dropdown message to all clients with designated icon),以icon的什么弹出一段话,在玩家屏幕上

 /share player name (Shares ownership of your doors with the designated user,共享门给指定玩家)

 /stop (Saves, deactivates, and effectively stops the server,停止服务器并保存)

 /time (Returns current time of day,显示当前世界时间)

 /time {0-24} (Sets time to a number between 0 and 24,设置当前世界时间)

 /time {day} (Sets time to day,设置为白天)

 /time {freeze} (Freezes time,冻住当前时间)

 /time {night} (Sets time to night,设置为晚上)

 /time {unfreeze} (Unfreezes time,解冻当前时间)

 /timescale (Returns the speed at which time passes,显示当前时间流逝速度)

 /timescale [#] (Sets the speed at which time passes Recommended between 0 and 1 WARNING: THIS AFFECTS AIRDROPS,设置时间流逝速度,在0和1之间,警告!这个将影响到空降时间)

 /uid (Returns your steam UID,显示你的steamID)

 /uid player name (Returns that user's steam UID,显示指定玩家的steamID)

 /unban(Unbans the specified player,解封指定玩家)

 /ungod(Revokes god mode from the specified player,解除指定玩家的上帝模式)

 /unmute(Unmutes the player on global chat,解除指定玩家的禁言)

 /unshare {all} (Revokes ownership of your doors from everyone,解除对所有玩家的门共享)

 /unshare player name(Revokes ownership of your doors from the designated user,解除对指定玩家的门共享)

 /version (Returns the current running version of Rust Essentials,重置Rust Essentials模组的版本)

 /whitelist {add} [UID] (Adds the specified Steam UID to the whitelist,把指定steamID添加至白名单)

 /whitelist {check} (Checks if you're currently on the whitelist,查询白名单)

 /whitelist {kick} (Kicks all players that are not whitelisted This only work if whitelist is enabled,踢出所有在白名单的人,如果白名单已经启动)

 /whitelist {off} (Turns whitelist off,关掉白名单)

 /whitelist {on} (Turns whitelist on,打开白名单)

 /whitelist {rem} [UID] (Removes the specified Steam UID to the whitelist,移除指定steamID从白名单)





下载完成后将该压缩包解压,将文件夹内的Steamcmdexe 程序拷贝至你想要安装该程序的目录下,然后双击执行即可,等待命令行程序执行完毕。

Rust 服务器程序下载

想要下载Rust 服务器,需要执行一段SteamCmd程序的命令:

1 进入刚才安装SteamCmd程序的目录,拷贝目录地址

2 Windows键+R键,在输入框中输入cmd 点击执行

3 在命令行中右键黏贴目录地址同时在后面加上\steamcmdexe 回车执行

4 当命令行显示 steam 时,输入下列命令每行一个输入后回车

login anonymous ------以匿名的方式登录steam

force_install_dir c:\rustserver\ ------设置服务器的安装目录

app_update 258550 ------安装或者更新 ID为258550的游戏服务器

quit -------退出

上述命令中,c:\rustserver\ 该路径为你想要将Rust服务器安装的目录,替换成自己的即可。

下面放出一键更新和安装的批处理命令文件内容,该内容需要你在桌面右键创建一个空白的文件,保存时修改文件扩展名为bat即可。即文件保存完成后其名字应该是 xxxxbat 的windows批处理文件。不懂如何创建的可百度创建windows批处理文件


@echo off

echo Starting Server Installation

F:\GameServer\steamcmd\steamcmdexe +login anonymous +force_install_dir D:\RustServer +app_update 258550 +quit

echo Done



下载了Oxide插件驱动后,解压可以获得一个名为 RustDedicated_Data 的文件夹。将该文件夹拷贝至游戏服务器目录覆盖即可。



@echo off


echo Starting Server

echo 正在等待服务器启动,如果2分钟后服务器还没有启动,请按下Ctrl+c 关闭命令行,同时启动任务管理器关闭RustDedicateexe程序,重新启动脚本。

RustDedicatedexe -batchmode ^

+serverport 28015 ^

+serverlevel Procedural Map ^

+serverseed 86183952 ^

+serverworldsize 4000 ^

+servermaxplayers 50 ^

+serverhostname 你的服务器名称 ^

+serverdescription 你的服务器描述 ^

+serverurl 你的服务器首页 ^

+serverheaderimage 你的服务器详情页背景 ^

+serveridentity 你的服务器数据文件夹名称 ^

+rconport 28016 ^

+squadmanagersquad_disable 0^

+rconpassword letmein ^

+bradleyenabled True ^

+bradleyrespawndelayminutes 60 ^

+bradleyrespawndelayvariance 1 ^

+helilifetimeminutes 15 ^

+decayupkeep True ^

+decayupkeep_heal_scale 1 ^

+decayupkeep_inside_decay_scale 01 ^

+decayupkeep_period_minutes 1440 ^

+rconweb 1


serverhostname 后面的内容是服务器的名称

serverseed 86183952 后面的数字是服务器的地图种子

serverworldsize 后面的数字是地图的大小,最大为6000

serverdescription 后面的内容是服务器的描述信息

serverheaderimage 后面的内容是服务器详情页面的背景

serveridentity 后面的内容是服务器资料的文件夹保存名称。服务器数据保存在游戏服务器的根目录下的server目录下

servermaxplayers 后面的数字是服务器的最大人数

注意: 文字内容一定要使用英文双引号包围。


oxide文件夹下常用的目录有两个 config 和 plugins 。

config 目录为插件的配置文件目录

plugins 目录为插件的安装目录


oxideconfigjson 是Oxide插件驱动配置文件。

这里说一个小技巧: 安装Oxide驱动的服务器会自动在Rust游戏的模组Modded服务器列表中出现,而不是在社区Community服务器列表中出现。想让服务器在社区服务器Community列表中出现请修改oxideconfigjson配置文件中的下述内容:

Options: {

Modded: true,

DefaultGroups: {

Players: default,

Administrators: admin






这里再说下微变服务器需要的一些常用改变资源的插件及配置文件的设置。注明:所有的插件的配置文件都在游戏服务器根目录下oxideconfig 文件夹中,插件加载后会自动生成,然后修改就可以了。所有配置文件皆为JSON格式,很简单的文本描述文件,看不懂的百度一下3分钟学会。


解决中文在服务器列表中的乱码很简单,编辑服务器启动脚本的时候,修改脚本的编码为GBK 或者GB2312即可,修改后,编辑好文件,在命令行启动时候最后会显示服务器名称,如果不是乱码,那么在服务器列表中也不会是乱码。



clientconnect localhost:28015

将localhost 替换为服务器ip地址即可。

ip地址快速查看方法,windows键+R键 输入cmd回车,输入ipconfig 回车,其中192168xxxxx即是本机的局域网ip地址。



登录路由器管理界面,浏览器地址栏输入19216811 或者19216801 输入路由器管理密码即可登录。





说下插件配置更新的小技巧。服务器启动后的命令行允许输入服务器指令,安装了Oxide驱动的服务器,在需要更新服务器插件的配置时,可以直接输入: oxidereload 重新加载全部插件配置,或者oxidereload 插件名称 重新加载指定插件的配置,即可生效。


DABAN RP主题是一个优秀的主题,极致后台体验,无插件,集成会员系统
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