AlphaRacks 跑路了?,第1张

AlphaRacks 跑路了?,第2张

网络故障快一天了,到现在未恢复。推特上的传言也很狗血。 今日收到官宣倒闭的邮件。 ----------------------- 以下是精选回复-----------------------

答:QN 揪出内鬼了
答:最近也没见他们发垃圾 AD 邮件
答:再等几天 不行估计就悬了 好在不到十块 可以 PayPal 争议
答:吃灰时间超过半年,精钢盘的 io 真不是盖的
答:HostMyBytes 买的两个,前几个月说是被 AlphaRacks 收购了,现在两个都上不去了,工单也没反应。
答:的确,等了近 10 天了,工单到是恢复,讲的冠冕堂皇,但是不解决问题
答:qn 机房揪出两个左手倒右手的 就直接拔网线
然后四大金刚 就此就废了 没有没有全尸了
大概 4w 左右的机器
半程 cn2 其实速度还行
答:We at AR completely understand that this situation has affected you as well as us.

We are still waiting for a reply from our DC Quadranet about this. We have seem to lost contact with them due an internal dispute in QN.

We are not owned by a former or actual employee from QN.

There is some info in the web about a criminal investigation or something like, about this we are not so sure about it. But what it's true is that our DC has locked our servers. So we dont have access thru VNC, SSH... nothing. We have tried to recreate nodes or instances and for now its not possible.

So, for now its all the info i have, i'm sorry i can't provide you more info since i'm at the sales department, but i'm turning this ticket to our support deparment so one of our tech guys will update you further and perhaps provide you more info that the one i can bring you.

This is all i can do, hope you understand that this is out of my support scope.

Best regards.

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