












进入某个RAID副本,是有进度的,那么这个进度是由组建团队的人来决定呢,还是第一个进入副本的人来决定呢?看起来后者的可能性更大一些 :)



Q: What are the variables in the random generator''s kernel, is it based on some attribute of the players in the raid, or the raid leader

A: Heh, no

I believe it uses a time stamp to seed the generator So, there''s nothing you can influence within the game that would alter or coerce the generator


No, the time it uses to seed would have no real implication into the final outcome of what loot its given On a long enough generation table, you may see some type of pattern based purely on a random generators inability to truly be random But we''re talking about astronomical numbers, something ridiculous like hundreds of billions of generations Nothing you would or could see a pattern in during your time playing the game

What you''re seeing is pure and basic laws of probability Have a few thousand people roll a pair of dice and you''re bound to see hundreds of people able to roll snake-eyes 10 times in a row (not that dice are truly random either)

于是有人问那命令发送是按照时间段,那岂不是杀死某时间段刷出来的怪物或者在某个特定时间进入副本。。。 橙色武器唾手可得?





min=17 | max=33 | html | amy | plain_text | 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

TMpred output for amy [ISREC-Server] Date: Sun May 21 1:44:34 Europe/Zurich 2006

Sequence: MHAWRR, length: 475

Prediction parameters: TM-helix length between 17 and 33

1) Possible transmembrane helices The sequence positions in brackets denominate the core region

Only scores above 500 are considered significant

Inside to outside helices : 4 found

from to score center

16 ( 16) 34 ( 34) 1388 25

155 ( 155) 178 ( 173) 387 165

242 ( 245) 266 ( 264) 187 255

437 ( 437) 459 ( 459) 549 447

Outside to inside helices : 2 found

from to score center

16 ( 16) 35 ( 33) 1017 25

438 ( 444) 466 ( 463) 390 455

2) Table of correspondences Here is shown, which of the inside->outside helices correspond to which of the outside->inside helices

Helices shown in brackets are considered insignificant

A "+"-symbol indicates a preference of this orientation

A "++"-symbol indicates a strong preference of this orientation

inside->outside | outside->inside

16- 34 (19) 1388 ++ | 16- 35 (20) 1017

( 155- 178 (24) 387 ++ ) |

( 242- 266 (25) 187 ++ ) |

437- 459 (23) 549 + |( 438- 466 (29) 390 )

3) Suggested models for transmembrane topologyThese suggestions are purely speculative and should be used with extreme caution since they are based on the assumption that all transmembrane helices have been found

In most cases, the Correspondence Table shown above or the prediction plot that is also created should be used for the topology assignment of unknown proteins

2 possible models considered, only significant TM-segments used

the models differ in the number of TM-helices !

-----> STRONGLY prefered model: N-terminus outside

2 strong transmembrane helices, total score : 1566

# from to length score orientation

1 16 35 (20) 1017 o-i

2 437 459 (23) 549 i-o

------> alternative model

1 strong transmembrane helices, total score : 1388

# from to length score orientation

1 16 34 (19) 1388 i-o


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