如何在 CentOS 中搭建 NTP 服务器

如何在 CentOS 中搭建 NTP 服务器,第1张

备 CentOS 服务器

现在让我们来开始在 CentOS 上设置 NTP 服务器。

首先,我们需要保证正确设置了服务器的时区。在 CentOS 7 中,我们可以使用 timedatectl 命令查看和更改服务器的时区(比如,"Australia/Adelaide",LCTT 译注:中国可设置为 Asia/Shanghai )

# timedatectl list-timezones | grep Australia

# timedatectl set-timezone Australia/Adelaide

# timedatectl

继续并使用 yum 安装需要的软件

# yum install ntp

然后我们会添加全球 NTP 服务器用于同步时间

# vim /etc/ntpconf

server 0oceaniapoolntporg

server 1oceaniapoolntporg

server 2oceaniapoolntporg

server 3oceaniapoolntporg

默认情况下,NTP 服务器的日志保存在 /var/log/messages。如果你希望使用自定义的日志文件,那也可以指定。

logfile /var/log/ntpdlog

如果你选择自定义日志文件,确保更改了它的属主和 SELinux 环境。

# chown ntp:ntp /var/log/ntpdlog

# chcon -t ntpd_log_t /var/log/ntpdlog

现在初始化 NTP 服务并确保把它添加到了开机启动。

# systemctl restart ntp

# systemctl enable ntp

验证 NTP Server 时钟

我们可以使用 ntpq 命令来检查本地服务器的时钟如何通过 NTP 同步。

控制到 NTP 服务器的访问

默认情况下,NTP 服务器允许来自所有主机的查询。如果你想过滤进来的 NTP 同步连接,你可以在你的防火墙中添加规则过滤流量。

# iptables -A INPUT -s 19216810/24 -p udp --dport 123 -j ACCEPT

# iptables -A INPUT -p udp --dport 123 -j DROP

该规则允许从 19216810/24 来的 NTP 流量(端口 UDP/123),任何其它网络的流量会被丢弃。你可以根据需要更改规则。

配置 NTP 客户端

1 Linux

NTP 客户端主机需要 ntpupdate 软件包来和服务器同步时间。可以轻松地使用 yum 或 apt-get 安装这个软件包。安装完软件包之后,用服务器的 IP 地址运行下面的命令。

# ntpdate <server-IP-address>

基于 RHEL 和 Debian 的系统命令都相同。

2 Windows

如果你正在使用 Windows,在日期和时间设置(Date and Time settings)下查找网络时间(Internet Time)。

3 Cisco 设备

如果你想要同步 Cisco 设备的时间,你可以在全局配置模式下使用下面的命令。

# ntp server <server-IP-address>

来自其它厂家的支持 NTP 的设备有自己的用于网络时间的参数。如果你想将设备和 NTP服务器同步时间,请查看设备的说明文档。


总而言之,NTP 是在你的所有主机上同步时钟的一个协议。我们已经介绍了如何设置 NTP 服务器并使支持 NTP 的设备和服务器同步时间。


farteinifiuiono=Norway, University of Oslo

ntplthse=Sweden, Lund Institute of Technology

timeserviceuitno=Norway, University of Tromsoe

ntp0pipexnet=UK, Cambridge

ntp0nlnet=Netherlands, Amsterdam, NLnet

ntp2pipexnet=UK, Cambridge

ntp0janet=UK, University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory

ntpcsstrathacuk=Scotland, Strathclyde University, Glasgow

ntp1strathacuk=Scotland, Glasgow, Strathclyde University

ntp2amccacuk=England, University of Manchester, Manchester

ntp4strathacuk=Scotland, Glasgow, Strathclyde University

ntp0strathacuk=Scotland, Glasgow, Strathclyde University

ntps1-1cstu-berlinde=Germany, Berlin, Technische Universitaet Berlin

ntp1pipexnet=UK, Cambridge

ntp2strathacuk=Scotland, Glasgow, Strathclyde University

ntpuniv-lyon1fr=France, Lyon, CISM

ntps1-0cstu-berlinde=Germany, Berlin, Technische Universitaet Berlin

ntp3strathacuk=Scotland, Glasgow, Strathclyde University

ntps1-0uni-erlangende=Germany, Erlangen, University Erlangen-Nuernberg

ntps1-2uni-erlangende=Germany, Erlangen, University Erlangen-Nuernberg

ntps1-1uni-erlangende=Germany, Erlangen, University Erlangen-Nuernberg

timeijssi=Slovenia, J Stefan Institute, Ljubljana

biofizmfuni-ljsi=Slovenia, University of Ljubljana

infocyf-kredupl=Poland, Academic Computer Centre, Krakow

bitsymitedu=USA, MA, Cambridge, MIT Information Systems

nicnearnet=USA, MA, Cambridge


ntp-1ececmuedu=USA, PA, Pittsburgh, Carnegie Mellon

swisstimeethzch=Switzerland, Zurich, Integrated Systems Laboratory


ntp-2ececmuedu=USA, PA, Pittsburgh, Carnegie Mellon

otc1psuedu=USA, PA, Penn State University

timexpeachnetedu=USA, GA, Kennesaw, PeachNet NOC

fuzzpscedu=USA, PA, Pittsburgh, PSC Supercomputer Center

timexcscolumbiaedu=USA, NY, New York, Columbia University

vtserfccvtedu=USA, VA, Virginia Tech Computing Center

clock-1cscmuedu=USA, PA, Pittsburgh, Carnegie Mellon University

gilbrethecnpurdueedu=USA, IN, West Lafayette, Purdue University

harborecnpurdueedu=USA, IN, West Lafayette, Purdue University

moleculeecnpurdueedu=USA, IN, West Lafayette, Purdue University

nssunetumnedu=USA, MN, St Paul

nsunetumnedu=USA, MN, Minneapolis

clockpsuedu=PA, Penn State University, University Park

nocnearnet=USA, MA, Cambridge

salmonmathstcdie=Ireland, Dublin, Trinity College

ntpctrcolumbiaedu=USA, NY, New York, Columbia University

finchccukansedu=USA, Kansas University Computer Center

ntp-0csouiucedu=USA, IL, Champaign, University of Illinois

ntpmathstcdie=Ireland, Trinity College, Dublin

nssntsumnedu=USA, MN, St Paul

tockusnonavymil=USA, Washington DC, US Naval Observatory

eagletamuedu=USA, Texas A&M University

ntp5tamuedu=TX, Texas A&M University, College Station

www2cmcecgcca=Canada, Canadian Meteorological Centre, Dorval

kuhubccukansedu=USA, KN, Lawrence, Kansas University

ntp-2csouiucedu=USA, IL, Champaign, University of Illinois

zeustamuedu=USA, TX, College Station, Texax A&M

www1cmcecgcca=Canada, Canadian Meteorological Centre, Dorval

ntp-1mcsanlgov=USA, IL, Chicago, Argonne National Laboratory

ntp1cswiscedu=University of Wisconsin-Madison, Computer Science Department

tmcedu=USA, TX, Houston, Baylor College of Medicine

ntpcssgov=USA, VA, Arlington, Center for Seismic Studies

timenistgov=USA, CO, Boulder, National Center for Atmospheric Research

ntp-2mcsanlgov=USA, IL, Argonne National Laboratory

time-Atimefreqbldrdocgov=USA, CO, National Institue of Standards and Technology

ntp3cswiscedu=University of Wisconsin-Madison, Computer Science Department

clock1uncedu=USA, NC, Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina

tockcsunlvedu=USA, NV, Las Vegas, UNLV Computer Science Department

louieudeledu=USA, DE, University of Delaware

tickcsunlvedu=USA, NV, Las Vegas, UNLV Computer Science Department

cuckoonevadaedu=USA, NV, Las Vegas, University of Nevada

timenrcca=Canada, National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa

rolexpeachnetedu=USA, GA, Kennesaw, PeachNet NOC

mizbeaverudeledu=USA, DE, Newark, University of Delaware

clepsydradeccom=USA, CA, Palo Alto, DEC Research Laboratory

tickutorontoca=Canada, University of Toronto

ntpnasagov=USA, CA, NASA Ames Research Center

timelordcsureginaca=Canada, Saskatchewan, University of Regina

everestcclabsmissouriedu=USA, MO, University of Missouri-Columbia

ntpucsdedu=USA, CA, San Diego, UCSD Computer Science & Engineering

wwvbisiedu=USA, CA, Marina del Rey, USC Information Sciences Institute

tickusnonavymil=USA, Washington DC, US Naval Observatory

clockiscorg=USA, CA, Palo Alto, Internet Software Consortium

chimeutorontoca=Canada, University of Toronto

sundialcolumbiaedu=USA, NY, New York, Mornigside Campus Columbia University

ntp0cornelledu=USA, NY, Cornell University, Ithaca

ntpsaardnet=Australia, The University of Adelaide

augeanelecengadelaideeduau=Austrialia, University of Adelaide

clockncfukuoka-uacjp=Japan, Fukuoka, Fukuoka University

ntpadelaideeduau=Australia, University of Adelaide

clocktlfukuoka-uacjp=Japan, Fukuoka, Fukuoka University

timeservercsumbedu=USA, MA, Boston, University of Massachusetts

gazettebcmtmcedu=USA, TX, Houston, Baylor College of Medicine

Linux 系统安装配置NTP时间服务器。


NTP(The Network Time Protocol) 是网络时间协议,用以同步网络内计算机的时间。 它通过udp包交换,用特定算法进行协商,从而把计算机上的时间与时间服务器上的时间保持一致。通过互联网它支持的误差是10毫秒,局域网则可以达到200微秒。


怎样安装NTP Server:

Linux系统内核提供了对NTP的支持,因此只需要再安装一个NTP Server的守护进程即可。常用的ntpd由ntporg提供。


service ntpd status  查看此服务有没有运行,设置:图形化界面--左上角时间---点击就可以知道。

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