

你的DNS 配置问题 。。。你要知道他的原理 你外发 实际上是通过JAVAMAIL 经过你自己的邮件服务验证 就可以发出去了 因为 QQ 163 的端口是对外开放的 只要是邮件服务发过去的 他就能收到 但是 你发回来你本地的时候 因为你的DNS和域名(你设的邮箱后缀) 是没有注册的。。所以他解析不到 你自然就收不到了 你可以注册了域名 绑定域名后 就可以收到了。。。

随着计算机网络的发展,电子邮件已经成为网络中传递信息不可或缺的一部分。基于JAVA的Web邮件系统采用B/S结构,避免了原有的C/S结构的弊端。并使用目前流行的JAVA语言与开源框架SSH开发而成。邮件服务器选用了免费、开源、支持STMP与POP3协议的Apache James邮件服务器。在数据存储上使用了目前使用最广泛的Oracle数据库。

With the development of computer networks, webmails have become an essential part in the process of transferring information in networks JAVA-based webmail system adopts B/S structure, which avoids the original drawbacks of C/S framework Besides, JAVA-based Webmail is developed from the current popular JAVA language and opensource frame work - SSH Mail servers uses the free and opensource Apache James mail servers, which supports STMP and POP3 protocol As to data storage, it utilizes the most widely-used Oracle database

本文介绍了基于Java的Web邮件系统开发所使用的工具、语言和环境,并对系统的注册、登录、管理、发送和接收邮件等基本功能及设计方法做了详细阐述。在整个系统的分析与设计中,详细分析了邮件系统的功能流程和功能分析,具体展现了用户的各个功能模块。在系统的实现中,介绍了各个模块的实现方法。最后,结合软件工程学,对系统进行了测试。The paper introduces the tools, languages and environments which are used for developing Java-based Webmail system And it elucidates on the registration, entry, administration, sending and receiving emails as well as other basic functions and their designing methods pertinent to the system During the analysis and design of the whole system, the author thoroughly analyzes the functional procedures and functional discussion of the Webmail system, and presents various functional modules of the users in a very specific way During the part of system implementation, the paper discusses the implementary methods of different modules Finally, the author carries out a test on the system from the perspective of software engineering


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